Jessie Rodriguez

Host of Vintage Flip on HGTV, Top Producing agent, and Investment Specialist

Jessie Rodriguez is a top producing agent with over 70M in volume per year for the last 10+ years. After spending 10 years as an agent, Jessie moved into the investment space where he works with banks (REO), hedge funds (Blackstone), and personally flips homes (over 400). Jessie has quickly become a specialist in the investment space and even hosted the show Vintage Flip on HGTV. The show followed Jessie and his wife as they bought, fixed, and flipped homes in Southern California. Needless to say Jessie's passion is buying rentals and fixing up dilapidated homes. Investing in real estate has changed Jessie's life and has ignited a passion to educate other agents on how to buy, fix and establish a real estate portfolio to put themselves on a path to financial freedom.

Session Title: How to Create Wealth Beyond Selling Homes