
Real Estate Market Expert, Co-founder of WomanUP!®, and Retired Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the California Association of Realtors

Meet Leslie Appleton-Young, former Senior Vice President and Chief Economist for the California Association of REALTORS® for 37 years and a Co-Founder of the WomanUP!® initiative. WomanUP!® is an initiative near and dear to Leslie’s heart serving to identify, develop, and connect women in real estate with one another. Leslie is acutely aware of the real estate market today and loves getting to share her expertise with others. Semi-retired, Leslie now works as a consultant. In her spare time, she loves hosting her monthly WomanUP!® show "Coffee & Conversations with Leslie", mentoring the next generation, traveling with her loved ones, or riding her heart out on her Peloton!

Session Title: You’re in Control: Understand and Embracing The Market